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Safe journey "SAFE TRAVEL"

Bodega Parató has also obtained the SAFE Travels Seal promoted by The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and managed by Turismo de Barcelona.
  • This badge allows travelers to recognize any country in the world for companies, entities and destinations that have adopted standard protocols for security and prevention measures against Covid-19. The seal endorses the work carried out by our winery to be able to adapt our wine tourism activity to the new hygiene and safety protocols, both for our workers and visitors.

Since the start of the pandemic, Parado has prepared and carried out an anticovid contingency plan that guarantees the implementation of security measures to protect both its workers and visitors to the winery. In this way we have been able to continue carrying out visits and always adapting to the measures approved at all times by PROCICAT, focused now more than ever, on enjoying the vine and the environment, doing activities in open spaces, always with reservation. advance to enjoy any activity in the winery, small and exclusive groups.



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